We have developed a series of experiential one day events which offer a window view, and possibly open the door, to a beautiful way of being and doing in the world. The series are called Repleted Life and Beautyful Architecture and Design, and consists of individual events/parts, or a single four day compilation. They are called:
Sacred Geometry and Alchemy of Life
NeuroAesthetics and Biocentrism
Holistic Design
Eco Construction
Divine Mapping and Temples of Life
Repleted Space
Repleted Man
Repleted Love
and Repleted Life.
Each of these seminars provide multiple stimuli for spatial, sensory and psychological development of the self, in a condensed, consciously designed and presented format. We offer these rich learning opportunities because we know that we all have the capacity to create, maintain and enhance lives that are expressions of our deepest truth, and our fullest potential.
We specifically designed the three programs to take place over one intense day for a reason; which is to generate a single, powerful impulse for lasting, authentic expression in your life. The single four day compilation event is designed to offer a total experience, for those who are ready to dive straight into a full immersion of repletion. Each event is programmed and delivered in a compressed, concentrated formulation; which efficiently and effectively works on multiple levels in each moment, and in each of the sequential activities.
We are not trainers, or coaches, who are interested in feeding the comforts of your ego with a nice weekend experience, nor are we seeking to add new information to massage your illusionary sense of intellectual value. We are provocative agents of conscious change who open, stimulate, inspire and challenge your position; and to guide you to your truth. We are the muses for your repleted life. After these experiences, it will not be easy for you to fall back into your old patterned life.
Evening talks are a wonderfully compact medium to transmit information and inspiration on topics and subjects that are interesting and useful to people.
ZeMArC has a wealth of experience and knowledge about many areas of interest relating to design, construction, consciousness, education, relationships and more; and is happy to share this with people who are seeking to manifest a life expressing their full potential.
Each talk includes a visual presentation, some exploratory exercises and an opportunity to ask questions.
Some of the subjects for these talks include –
Sacred Geometry
Repleted Space
Temples of Life
Divine Mapping
Holistic Design
Eco-Construction and Building Project
Discover your SuperPower
and more…
There is a well known expression – “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach him how to fish and you feed him for the rest of his life”. This timeless wisdom forms the basis of our desire to formulate and offer practical, experiential workshops for interested people, on a range of subjects related to Holistic Design and Natural Building.
The format of these events is designed to optimise the exchange of practical information and workable techniques, affording participants ample opportunity to directly carry out the work themselves, under the supervision and support of the presenters, who are experts in the field.
There will be an introductory evening presentation, which will describe the theory of the subject matter. Next will be a one day experiential workshop, where people can see, try and learn from the techniques themselves. Then there will be a number of days afterwards where the work can actually be done in service to a real project on the land, again under the supervision of the expert team
What can be gained from these workshops is knowledge, experience and basic skills that will enable the participant to plan and construct their own structure using the information made available.
Some of the Workshops that will be on offer will include –
- Construction of a Timber Base Structure and Terrace
- Construction of a Curved Timber Beam Structure based on Sacred Geometry
- Construction of the Infill Framing to complete the Structure
- Preparation and Installation of the Cast Hempcrete Structure
- Preparation and application of External Lime Render Finish
- Preparation and application of Internal Lime Render Finish
- Completion of Interior Elements – Floors, Walls etc.
If you are interested in attending, please visit our News section to find out when the next available seminar is planned. If you do not see any events listed, it is because, at this time, we are not primarily focused on the quantity of events, but are responding to what is currently calling for our shared time, energy and attention.
We are open to invitations from individuals and groups who organise and host seminar events around the world to come and present any of our offerings. Perhaps we will see you at one in the future.
REPLETED SPACE, the second in the series, is for people who have a passion for space, and the alignment of their inner truth with the elements of their environment. This seminar opens you to the fractal nature of reality and shows clearly that the inner and outer worlds are one and the same. The intention behind this program is to heighten sensory awareness of your body and the spaces you inhabit, through a powerful recognition process; which supports the conscious and natural creation of space. In order to practically activate and celebrate this intention, we have structured the spatial and temporal form and flow of this event into three sequential phases –
– Reflection (to see what was)
– Presence (to see what is)
– Acceptance (to be prepared for what can be)
These movements open the doors of your perception to the qualities that you wish to become aware of. They encourage the exploration of your capabilities and provide powerful exercises of integration and practical application in your life. You will have a beautiful opportunity to open and develop the specific project of your personal Repleted Space, which maximises your potential and aids in the manifestation of a joyful life.
REPLETED MAN, the first in the series, is for men only, and seeks to stimulate and awaken a deep awareness of the limits of fear, which exposes and transforms our dark vulnerability, in order to create a space for the fullest potential of repletion in our lives. This brave movement to the truth touches the core of who we are, as men, and reveals how we can make and sustain the changes necessary to live and love authentically. Through this program and process we support and guide the men to find their value, the source of their strength and the truth of their lives. This impulse opens the doorway to fully embodying and expressing practical, creative power; regardless of what stage of life the men are in. We know that words are no longer enough, because masculine power is a total experience, a real physical feeling, which needs to be activated and consciously applied to and within all aspects of life.
REPLETED LOVE, the third in the series, is essentially carrying a message about shared freedom. We know that there are many factors at play in our relationships which can affect and disturb the ability to manifest and enjoy repleted love in our lives; such as unrealistic expectations (on ourselves and others), lack of trust, laziness, ego based assumptions and lack of common vision and creativity, to name but a few. The intention behind this seminar is to invite you to truthfully explore and answer of the following basic but extremely important questions –
“Are you ready to transform the base aspects of your relationships into
joyful experience?”
“Do you know how to grasp and hold full attention in the moment?”
“What are you prepared to do to practically and sustainably generate
happiness and shared freedom in your life?
This seminar experience is a personal and shared exploration leading to unity, which includes body reflection, contact meditation, heart movement and a healthy dose of mind and emotional challenges.
A key component in this practical life learning is developing the ability to actively accept; which is easy to speak about but oftentimes difficult to actually do. Yet the open secret to Repleted Love is fundamentally based on this very simple skill, because it is the ground source to freedom, and the pivot point of the power to create and enjoy, in unity.
REPLETED LIFE. This is a very special four day event, which brings the three single day intensives into a full immersive experience of systemic upgrade to Repletion.
The fourth day is included as a holistic integration of all that opened, emerged, expressed and evolved over the course of this event.
This is not a light program and is reserved only for those people who know, in their core, that deep, lasting change is needed, and are willing to do what it takes to choose, without compromise, a Repleted Life.
Sacred Geometry touches our senses in so many ways, and on so many levels of being.
It can be defined as the Blueprint of Creation, which maps and moves information and energy across dimensions, and through all of space and time. It provides portals of possibility that anchors the primal desire of all Life; to explore and express potential, truth, beauty and love.
What you will gain from this presentation is understanding of the patterns and rhythms that underpin livings systems and how we can tune ourselves to resonate with them.
BioArchitecture can both design and open the door to a healthier living environment.
It can be defined as is a method of using natural forms, patterns and proportions in the design and construction of buildings.
What you will gain from this presentation is an expanded sense of how our buildings – homes, offices and places for gathering and celebrating, can provide us with a space wherein form and feeling come together as one field of beauty.
Temples of Life are needed now, more than ever, by all of us who can feel the calling of our souls.
They can be described as vibrant constructions; conceived, designed, built and used for the purpose of exploring, experiencing and celebrating all aspects of Beauty and Love.
What you will gain from this evening is an openness to be part of the creation of these Temples in your own community.
Divine Mapping can anchor our movements across this beautiful world.
It can be defined as a process of feeling, identifying, connecting and graphically articulating points and movements of future memories into an interpenetrating network of truth, wisdom and love.
What you will gain from this presentation is an overview of a higher order of harmonious informational flow in our world.
Neuro-Aesthetics is all about how you see the world and how what you see affects you.
It can be defined as an emergent field of experimental science that aims to combine neuro-psychological research with aesthetics by investigating the perception, production, and response to art / beauty, as well as interactions with objects, scenes and spaces that evoke an intense feeling, often of pleasure.
What you will gain from this presentation is an insight into our capacity to open our senses to beauty and harmony in the world and to have this enliven our experiences.
All of us have our own memories about our school years; covering a wide range of experiences, and not all of them positive.
Schools Projects is an innovative design initiative which explores how to consciously build beautiful spaces for children and teachers to discover, express, expand and enjoy their full potential.
What you will gain from this presentation is inspiration about what could become, in terms of the creation of natural learning environments for our children, and theirs.
Eco-Construction is the pathway to a more sustainable future in terms of how and where we live.
It can be described as the practical application and utilisation of materials, technologies and techniques that ensure the optimal outcome of any construction project, in terms of health, harmony and holism.
What you will gain from this presentation is general knowledge about the many possibilities that exist, and are being developed, to support your desire to build a home naturally and economically
Holistic Design and Building Project takes you on a journey from concept to reality.
It can be defined as designing and building a space or structure with full consideration of, and connection to, all of the components and elements that form part of the process, holistically and harmoniously.
What you will gain from this presentation is clarity about your range of choices when it comes to designing and building your own home.
Would you wish to know the unique gift or skill that expresses who you truly are?
Each of us is here with an innate potential that awaits our discovery, activation and celebration. You can become aware of and access this power base through a process of answering three simple questions.
What you will gain from this presentation is a pathway to self knowing, and the impulse to take a step onto it.
We are also open to explore other spheres based on actual request and happening…